Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Homemade Baby Wipes

Good evening, friends!

Sorry that it has been a minute since I posted, but I wanted to give you a quick shout-out!  We did can some chicken noodle soup yesterday/today, but I don't have a ton of time to get that up.  So, that'll have to wait until tomorrow.

When I first started this blog, I stated that I wanted to incorporate many ways to maintain a self-sustaining lifestyle in compliment to the world of canning.  I wanted to share with you an easy and whoa-economical way to make your own baby wipes.  With a three month old and (almost) two year old, you can go through baby wipes far too quickly and no matter how "cheap" you find them, it adds up quickly.  So, here's a quick an easy way to cut down on excess spending and treat your children's sensitive skin right.

The Goods:
  • 1 lg cylindrical tupperware
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 roll of paper towels
  • 2 tsp Dr. Bronner's Lavender Pure Castile Soap (or any kind of baby wash)
  • 2 tsp olive oil  (or any kind of baby oil)

The process:
  • Cut the paper towel roll in half with a serrated knife.
  • Combine the liquid ingredients into your tupperware.
  • Place half of the paper towel roll into the tupperware jagged side down so as to help facilitate absorption.
  • Place lid on tupperware.

  • When the halved paper towel roll is fully saturated, remove the center cardboard roll.

There you have it.  When broken down, the cost v. cost comparison is clear.  Of course, you can always have a pack of the commercial wipes available for easy travel or you can store a few of your homemade wipes in a Ziploc sandwich bags.  Whatever works best for you!

Do you have any tips for what you do that are more "outside the box?"  If so, feel free to leave suggestions in the "Comments" section.

In the meantime...

Keep Calm
Can On

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